Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina

In Lent 2024 we did the Lectio Course from 24/7 Prayer. Whether you took part in the course or not, here is a basic guide to using this ancient practise to deepen your understanding of scripture and to grow closer to God, hearing Him not just in his Word but in his world.

How to do the Lectio Divina as an individual or a group

1. Read (Lectio)

Choose a short passage of Scripture. You can make your own choice or read one of the passages set for the Sunday service or use the passage identified in the Lectio 365 App or from the daily list of readings in the Revised Common Lectionary. Whether as an individual or as a group, read the passage slowly out loud, reflecting on the passage as you read.

2. Meditate (Meditatio)

Read the passage slowly again (have someone else read it if in a group, perhaps in a different Bible translation), and you (or each member of the group) identify one word or phrase that jumped out to you/them (the same word or phrase can be repeated by different people).

3. Pray (Oratio)

Slowly read the passage a third time, and (if in a group, allow space for members of the group to) pray out short prayers related to the themes, words or phrases of the passage.

4. Contemplate (Contemplatio)

Read the passage a final time and sit quietly to reflect individually (even if in a group). You/they might like to ask themselves the question, “what’s the one thing from this passage I will take into my week?”