Our Sunday Services

We have a range of services on Sunday, read on to find out more…

Our service pattern which is detailed below. You can see our calendar to check which week we are on.

Most weeks this is in St John’s. On the 2nd Sunday of the month we have a family service in Kelsale.

Our 9:30 services in St Johns are informal in style with band led sung worship, discussion, a short talk, tea, coffee and croissants too (usually).

Week 1 - In St John’s with children’s groups
Week 2 - Family Service in Kelsale
Week 3 - In St John’s with children’s groups
Week 4 - In St John’s with everyone in together

You can find out more here.

A service of Holy Communion at either Kelsale church or in St John’s (check the calendar!). This service includes hymns/songs, readings, a sermon, prayer, and an opportunity to share Communion together. You can find out more here.

Week 1 - in Kelsale
Week 2 - in St Johns
Week 3 - in Kelsale
Week 4 - in St Johns


We try to ensure that there is something online, either live-streamed or recorded, for those who can’t join us physically on a Sunday morning.

The 9.30 in St Johns is usually streamed on our Facebook page. The 11:00 services can be found on our YouTube channel.

During the summer months there is also a 3:00pm BCP Communion in Carlton Church on the 3rd Sunday of the month.

New to church?
Here are the answers to some questions you might have if you are visiting for the first time.

How long will a service be? Generally our services are between 60 and 75 minutes.

What should I wear? There is no dress code, wear whatever you feel comfortable in.

Is there parking? There is limited parking at St Johns, Saxmundham. You can park in nearby supermarket car parks but please be aware of the 2 hour time limits.

There is a small car park near St Mary and St Peter’s, Kelsale. There is also plenty of space in the village car park and then a short walk up to the church.

Car access to St Peter’s, Carlton is limited as it is down a dirt path.

Do I have to sing and say things out loud? You don’t have to if you don’t want to. We will often sing songs and hymns and in some services there are words that we will all say together. You can join in as much or as little as you feel comfortable.

Will it cost anything? Absolutely not! It is free to come and worship with us. We are a local church entirely funded by local donations and so we welcome any gift you may give but please hear that it is entirely free to come.

What about children? We welcome people of all ages - the young and the young at heart! At the 9:30 in St Johns, Saxmundham there are separate groups for children on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. The 9:30 service on the 2nd and 4th Sundays are intentionally all-age and family friendly.
Whilst there is no specific provision for children at the 11:00 service we love to have them with us.
There are changing facilities in the hall at St Johns. Unfortunately there is no toilet in either church in Kelsale or Carlton at present.

What is Communion? Sometimes called Holy Communion, or the Eucharist, or the Lord’s Supper, Communion is the meal that we share together as believers. It is a special part of the service where we share bread and wine that represent Jesus’ body and blood.
All who are baptised and in good standing with their local church are invited to take the bread and wine. Anyone who doesn’t feel able to take the bread and wine is invited to receive a blessing.
We have alcoholic wine in the big chalice and we offer individual cups (including non-alcoholic wine) if you prefer. In Saxmundham we use a bread roll, in Kelsale and Carlton we use wafers. If you need gluten free then please let someone know when you arrive.
We have taken the decision to allow children to be admitted to Communion. This applies to baptised children who have completed a short course about Communion. Speak to Dave (the priest in charge) for more information.